Thank you for considering enrolment at Unity College and we hope this information will help to guide you in this most important decision. To enrol your child at Unity College just follow these simple steps...
1. Enquiry
Find out more about Unity College by:
- Requesting a Prospectus
- Visiting Unity College to tour the campus and view the facilities on a normal school day
- Contacting our Enrolment Staff for information and/or assistance with your application
Unity College Murraylands Prospectus
2. Enrolment Application Form
Places in future year levels can be highly sought after so families are encouraged to lodge an Enrolment Application form as early as possible.
3. Formal Offer of Enrolment
An offer to confirm a place is sent approximately one year prior to commencement. A 'Confirmation of Enrolment' document is completed and returned along with a holding deposit which is credited to your school account once your child commences.
4. Transition to School
A transition program to assist students moving to their new school is arranged. The program varies in each year level of entry. The program can involve a family interview and transition visits along with relevant information evenings for parents/caregivers.
For further information or for assistance with your Enrolment Application, please contact Mrs Tamara Marchetti, Enrolments Officer.