This week, see what our Junior School students have been up to down on the Unity Farm!
Year 1: This term the Year 1 classes have been learning about how worms survive and what their needs are. We have also been looking at the growth of snow pea plants and how quickly they grow. Students have had the chance to grow their own snow peas and will get the chance later in the year to taste the yummy food.
Year 3: This term the Year 3 classes have been looking at what a pollinator is and why bees are so important to society. We have had the chance to try some pollination ourselves with some pop-stick bees we made and also planted some flowers to give the bees some more food.
Year 5: This term the Year 5 classes have been busy feeding the two dairy calves on the MS campus (Bingo and Bongo). This keeps us busy as Bingo and Bongo take a while to finish their milk and gives us plenty of chances to learn about the health signs of calves. To keep us busy in the week where we are not feeding the calves we have been preparing the JS garden beds, planting lots of vegetables to hopefully sell next term and keeping the gardens weed free.
And in other news…
Our Show livestock has started to arrive in preparation for our show team trainings starting up the first week of Term 2.
- Charolais Steer – thanks to Shirley Barker and Emma Kerrigan at Caithness Charolais – Mt Barker
- Simmental x Angus Steer – thanks to the Cartledge Family, Lancaster Simmentals – Meningie
- Limousin Steer – thanks to Galpin Family, Warrawindi Farms – Penola
- Black Angus – thanks to Scott Finlay, Granite Ridge Angus – Reedy Creek/Burdett
- 12x Merino wethers – thanks to Keith & Judy Paech, Lucernbrae Merino Stud – Callington
Our Dairy heifers and goats will arrive in the first week back from the holidays.
Other exciting “things” happening around Unity Ag include:
- The Middle School Ag classes have been harvesting some vegetables
- Pumpkins are being sold on both campuses
- We say “goodbye” to our calves Bingo and Bongo who are going to “grow up” in Tintinara
- The Year 8 class went on a trip to see Dohnt’s Dairy in Monteith (Week 8)
- Year 9s have experienced wool classing and shearing both at the college and at the Karoonda Farm Fair (Week 10)
- The Year 11s travelled to Mt Compass to experience a Robotic Dairy (Week 9)
If you are interested in finding out more about Agriculture at Unity – request to join our Facebook Group for updates and photos!